Stop Pushing

Quantum Physics tells us that pushing requires more force than pulling. Yeah, I Googled it.

If this is true, why do we live in a culture that celebrates the hustle? 

Why do we try harder, work more and burn ourselves out all in the name of living a better life?

Doesn't seem to make sense.

What if instead we could PULL?

Less effort, less stress, same results (except, better)!?

Want to PULL open the door to a new life, new opportunities and a totally revamped way of thinking? 

Join the waitlist for my PULL group coaching program where we will band together to do exactly that!


Join the PULL Waitlist!

Become a part of a massive self transformation movement along with other strong women committed to stop pushing their way through life.


When the doors open to the PULL group coaching sessions, you will be the first to know!

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