I keep buying sh*t that I don't need.


My credit cards are maxed.


And all I can think about is how bad I want new shoes.


...Sound familiar?

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Save Money. Treat Yourself.

That is the never-ending struggle, am I right?

Deep down you really want to be better with money. You're sick of feeling broke, but you always convince yourself you just need one more thing and then you're done!

...until the next thing comes along...


OMG Help me!

Is shopping making you happy, or making everything worse?

Have you ever:

  • Had to turn down an awesome experience because you were too broke to go?
  • Had packages keep showing up at your doorstep and you have no clue what's inside.
  • Hid your purchases from your partner, because you know you've overspent again.
  • Been so excited to buy something, only to get home and feel empty again?
  • Cringed when you open your bank account because you know there's nothing left?

If most of these made you quietly raise your hand, you my friend, have yourself a shopping addiction.

I know because, I've been there.

I'm in!

Hey there, I'm Renee

For years I lived paycheck to paycheck. Even though I was broke, I couldn't wait to spend money as soon as payday hit. Then I decided I wanted a life that made me happier than swiping my credit card.

In just 12 months, I paid off my $10K credit card debt, and pre-planned a 2 week road trip with my family to celebrate.

Now I have a multi-million dollar investment plan, take regular vacations, work fewer hours, and still enjoy the ocassional spending splurge!

Tell me how!!

The shopping crash. 

Did you know that when we over-consume our brains will match us with an even BIGGER fallout afterward? AKA Buyer's Remorse.

This means that every time you swipe your card and get that hit of "happy," it won't be long before the crash comes to keep you in check.

Instead of this yo-yo method of spending and crashing, Shopping Rehab will help you put a spending plan in place that helps you avoid the fallout.

I'm in!

What if shopping looked more like this:

📱You scroll right past the ads on your social feed.

🌟You are a high maintenance spender and feel calm and confident in your purchases.

👉🏽 You say YES to last minute experiences because you have the cash on hand

💵 You don't stress about money, because you finally learned a rich life is way bigger than the stuff you can buy.

You are capable of living a life with more wealth and peace than you ever imagined.

And you don't have to deprive yourself to get it. 

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Shopping Rehab

What's Inside the Course? 


🛍️Module 1: Shopaholic Foundations

In this first section of the course we'll go through:

  • Why your brain is wired for over-spending.
  • How to re-wire your mind without meditation or endless affirmations

🛍️ Module 2: Closing the Gap

Did you know most people who struggle with shopping addiction have a bigger gap between who they want to be and who they see themselves to be? That's why in Module 2, we will work to apply simple techniques that will help you close this gap by:

  • Understanding why type of gap you have.
  • Working to connect to your future self so you are living from long-term high vibration and slowing your impulses in the now.

🛍️ Module 3: High Maintenance Shopper

When we overspend, we are trying to fill one of our un-met needs which keeps us in a scarcity mindset, operating at a low vibration. In this section we will work to shift your beliefs and up-level your mindset so you are spending from a higher vibe place. AKA less impulse shopping regrets!

  • How to get high maintenance and why it's actually a really good thing.
  • Applying a dating mindset to shopping so that you only come home with the best.

🛍️ Module 4: Making Money Work

Changing your financial habits is 90% mindset, 10% actual work. WHEW! Now that we've done the work on your higher self, it's time to break down the easy-to-implement strategies for paying off debt, building wealth, and spending without guilt.

Why working more will not solve your problems and how to get more money in your life without extra hours on the job.

Automated systems to make your money work for you around the clock, not the other way around.

 How is Shopping Rehab different?

  • This isn't your grandpa's bank account. No more listening to outdated gurus who tell you the only way to get ahead is to postpone joy and cut back on the things you love. Shopping Rehab is about focusing first on the things you love, and then building your life and spending around them.
  • No coupon clipping required. A lot of us have been taught that savings apps, coupons, and sales signs are how we save money. In Shopping Rehab we stop settling for $5 savings and start aiming for millionaire mindset living.
  • You are the designer. There is no one size fits all program for humans. You are unique, and amazing in your own way. That's why Shopping Rehab is designed to help you learn more about you, how you spend, and what you need to do to build a life that feels better adding to your cart ever did!

You only get one life. Don't spend it broke.

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Shopping Rehab will help you:

  • Open your banking app with confidence. 
  • Shake free from financial stress.
  • Say YES to last minute trips and experiences with friends.
  • Kill the shame around spending.
  • Shop from a high vibe place.

🫠 If you're drowning in credit card debt, and can't seem to stop spending, ask yourself, "Can I really afford to keep this up?"

I am so ready for this!

What's Included?

Words from Rehab


I want you to make an informed purchase. If you have questions, take the time to read through and get some answers so you can be sure you are investing in something that is truly going to work for you!

By the end of this course you will:

  • Know how to spot your spending triggers. 
  • Have a beefed-up bank account.
  • Be paying off debt on autopilot.
  • Spend money like a high maintenance, bad a$$.

Going cold turkey on shopping doesn't work, time to learn what does!

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Get in friend, we're going shopping.

Shopping Rehab Doors Are Open!


Shopping Rehab Full Suite

Best investment

  • 35+ Lessons and audio downloads so you can listen or watch from anywhere!
  • 20+ Journal prompts and worksheets to help you optimize your healing.
  • Automated Systems to pay off debt, build wealth, and fund your shopping sprees.
  • How to bring in more money without working more.
  • BONUS Experience Accelerator: How to build a travel fund so you can book the trip without the guilt ($200 Value)
  • BONUS! Access to coaching sessions, Q&A and the Shopping Rehab video vault ($1,300 Value)



Shopping Rehab Payment Plan

Budget Friendly

  • 35+ Lessons and audio downloads so you can listen or watch from anywhere!
  • 20+ Journal prompts and worksheets to help you optimize your healing.
  • Automated Systems to pay off debt, build wealth, and fund your shopping sprees.
  • How to bring in more money without working more.
  • BONUS Experience Accelerator: How to build a travel fund so you can book the trip without the guilt ($200 Value)
  • BONUS! Access to coaching sessions, Q&A and the Shopping Rehab video vault ($1,300 Value)

$52 x 6