Ep. 91: When People Pleasing is a Good thing with Amy Green Smith

Have you ever had one of those AHA moments where you realized you can't live up to someone else's expectations? Today Amy Green Smith and I have a very real chat about the vulnerability it takes to show up as our authentic selves, even if the people we love don't approve, why people pleasing can be a great tactic for survival, and how to set boundaries with love (and less screaming).

Amy on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/heyamygreensmith/

The Worthy Program: https://amygreensmith.com/worthy/

My site: https://www.reneebenes.com/

My Savings Plan: https://www.reneebenes.com/save

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renee.benes/

TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@renee.benes/